OverDrive adds tens of
thousands of non-English eBooks to library catalog
the leading global digital distributor of eBooks and audiobooks to
libraries and schools, has added thousands of foreign-language
materials in dozens of genres to its broad catalog of more than 700,000
digital titles available across the globe. OverDrive's online catalog,
Content Reserve, which contains digital books in more than 50
languages, recently added popular and bestselling titles in Russian,
Swedish, Portuguese, Italian and Turkish with thousands of Spanish
eBooks coming soon.
OHIO—January 17, 2012—Bookmasters has entered into
an agreement with Spanish publisher Nowtilus Publishing to distribute
their wide range of historical novels, popular history, personal
development, and general interest titles in the U.S. and Canada.
keeps on going, let the devil call to his own. The principle is that no
one forces me to do this, nor do I live from it; that I could sign a
book every two years and live life through the window of a bookstore.
But then again, there are Sundays when I have the time of my life,
others when I vent, and still others when I say out loud, or at least
try to, what some do not have the means to say."
con mujeres que ni fu ni fa
first novel was written in 1932, when he was young and poor.
Its a savory introduction to the Nobel Prize winning author. It offers
a rare and revealing portrait of the artist as a young man. When
submitted to several publishers, they found it too literary, too
scandalous, or too risky, and it was sadly never published during his
A woman returns to Madrid from a psychiatric
hospital. In the train, a psychiatrist who works there, talks to her
about some documents on a red carpet on schizophrenia, double lives,
and paranoia cases. As he gets a drink in a stop, he loses the train.
The woman is holding the folder with the writings and we all want to
read them with her.
de siempre
Spanish chef Xabier Gutiérrez has taken 60 classic dishes and
has transformed them into something truly magical. Elegant, fun, yet
easy to prepare, he presents modern twists on Gazpacho, Lentils,
Paella, Garlic Soup, Fried Anchovies, Orange Duck, Flan, and so much
more. .